The Game Changers Documentary Review

Hi friends! Happy World Vegan Day :)

I found it only fitting to talk about a new vegan documentary on world vegan day.

If you haven’t seen Game Changers yet, I suggest you do, like now. It’s THAT good.

I’ve seen all the documentaries, read all the books, studied all the medical journals, and on and on. Truly, most times I don’t feel like I learn anything new, or I just feel bored. However, this was not the case with Game Changers. I felt like they did a phenomenal job at looking at it from a completely different point of view.

This documentary has everything to do with your athletic performance when switching to a completely plant-based diet. Also, if you’re not an athlete - keep listening, I promise. I am the farthest from an athlete, but it still caught my attention because you don’t have to be a professional athlete to benefit from the factual and scientific data they present.

Let me just say this - they put all of this plant based jargon into a main stream concept that just about anyone could relate to - and they did it well.

They covered topics such as reversing disease, improving your sexual drive and stamina, maximizing athletic performance, and being a part of making our world and ecosystem a better place.

So, if you’re looking for something to do this weekend, head on over to your Netflix account and see what you think for yourself!

Fun fact: I was having a little get together at my house recently, and as I overheard people talking about this documentary, I also noticed that about 85% of the people in the room were plant-based, AND most of them were men. That is something that I never thought would happen, and it’s pretty cool to see people opening up to a new way of living and eating for the sole purpose of bettering themselves.

Do something fun today - like eating all your veggies ;)

