Staying Healthy in The Winter

Hi friends!

With it being near mid-December, it seems this is the time of the year when most of my clients, friends, and family are asking me “What do I do to boost my immune system so I don’t get sick?” Or, they have already caught something and they are trying to figure out how to get out from under it.

While I would encourage people to be focusing on boosting their immune system all year-round, I know that this isn’t always the case. So, check out the very simple {and attainable} list below that will give you some pointers on where to start.

  1. Hydration - most of you are likely already skipping to #2, but I encourage you not to. Hydration is one of those things that we ALL think we are doing, but likely are not. We all think “oh yeah, I drink water, I’m good, moving on,” but most of us are not drinking enough water. Proper hydration has everything to do with your energy, your lymphatic system, your immune system, and just about everything else. If you don’t know how much water you drink on a daily basis - start tracking it! If you fall under the 70 ounce mark, I would think about increasing it, no matter what your body size or lifestyle is. Trust me & try it. After two weeks of increased water intake, see what changes you notice.

  2. Sleep - believe it or not, your body needs sleep. Likely more than you’re getting, and more than you think you need. When your immune system is compromised one of the best methods to healing naturally is to let your body sleep. When we sleep we are able to put energy on restoring from the inside out. So, if you feel sick, don’t push it. Be okay with taking a day off and letting your body catch up. You don’t have to be a super-hero every single day.

  3. Nutrition- you know I had to mention it, right? Nutrition is HUGE. I assume you already know that, or else you wouldn’t be reading my blog. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain a massive amount of antioxidants, trace minerals, and phytonutrients that can boost your immune system on a daily basis. If you don’t know when the last time was that you ate a raw piece of fruit or a leafy green salad - I would say that’s a great place to start!

  4. Vitamin D3 - not all, but most of the American population is significantly deficient in D3. This is a simple test at your doctors office if you want to know for sure - but I would guess that most people who take d3 do not get checked on a regular basis - they simply take it because they notice the difference in how they feel. I have listed my personal favorite d3 HERE. I personally take this once a day and I notice a significant difference in my immunity.

  5. Probiotics- we’ve likely all heard that our gut is directly related to our immune system, overall body inflammation, and our brain. Probiotics may not be a necessity for everyone, but they can prove to be very beneficial when it comes to improving digestion and immunity. I have also listed my favorite brand HERE.

  6. Lemon, Ginger, and Honey Tea - one of my favorite go-to’s when I start to feel my immune system slip is the simplicity of lemon, ginger, and honey tea. I normally use one whole lemon (juiced), 8 ounces of hot water, a few slices of fresh ginger root, and about a tablespoon of local honey. Drink this ALL DAY LONG. Talk about immune boosting nutrients!

  7. Elderberry - elderberry is one of the few foods that have been proven to lower the production of mucous while boosting your immune system. So, if you’ve caught a nasty sinus infection, Elderberry is for you! You can buy unsweetened elderberry syrup at your local health food store.

  8. Olive Leaf - olive leaf can be taken as a preventative, or used once you feel you are coming down with something. It’s a great supplement purely for boosting your immune system and you can find my favorite brand listed HERE.

While there are MANY other foods, supplements, and practices you can do to boost your immune system and stay healthy during the winter months, this list will at least help you cover the basics to ensure you’re staying on track. If you have more specific needs or questions, I’d be happy to help! Shoot me an email and we will get you feeling better :)

